SAT and ACT Tutoring Services

Try both.

Before placing all efforts into one of the college admissions tests, try each test at least once to find the best fit (and potentially any score advantages). This is an area in which we can guide students with a careful plan. Some considerations are the timing of the test, the content of each test, and the format options. We patiently guide students through every phase of the test, assist with test corrections and explanations, and measure weekly growth. Updates are reported to families by email after each class.

Take the test more than once.

Myth: “Colleges don’t want for students to take the SAT or ACT test multiple test.

Fact: Students can and should plan to take college admissions exams multiple times to take advantage of “super scoring.” Adding best sections together from different test dates builds the best score for the student for admissions as well as merit-based scholarships, honors programs, and potential sources of funding. We have student packages to assist with test coaching and college coaching to navigate through the process .